5 Tips For Thriving This Holiday Season

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy? Let’s just get right into it.

  1. Let go of expectations. Expectations lead to disappointment. Don’t expect happy. In fact, don’t expect anything. Attend Thanksgiving with an openness to whatever you feel and whatever happens, happens.
  2. Set a tentative plan. You can do this for yourself before you head over or host. Also, you can collaborate with your significant other on the plan, and maybe let your children in on the plan. Let me stress maybe. If you have children who are inflexible and rigid, do not let them in on the plan because if it changes, you can erupt chaos. If you have children who benefit from knowing the play by play and can be flexible, let them in on the plan. Tentative gives you the option to stay or go given you have let go of expectations (see tip #1) and do what feels best for you and your family.
  3. Set an intention for your day. This is a quiet prayer, mantra, or way you would like to hold this day and time in your mind and heart. Go back to it throughout the day. Some examples include, “I enjoy what is in front of me.” “I see the good in each of my family members.” “I can do anything for one day.”
  4. Find people/things to be grateful for. There will always be something to be grateful for around you. In fact, if you have a place to go or food to eat, well there is a fine place to start. If you can, expand your circle of gratefulness. Go ahead and extend. To the farmers who grew your food, the store clerk who sold you the bread, the hands that built the table or home you are in. Go big!
  5. Get in touch with nature. Whether a walk outside or a peak out the window at the landscape, we can’t help but feel good when we make contact with our natural world.

Wishing you a natural, grateful, intention filled, expectation free with tentative plans holiday! May peace be with you!